Why choose ArredoCAD
The powerful rendering engine, the performing rapidity and the very easy use of the program
allow you to show to the customer a photorealistic preview of any design solution, making
ArredoCAD Designer become an irreplaceable marketing and selling tool.
Download ArredoCAD

Marketing tool
ArredoCAD has established itself as one of the most effective selling and marketing tool, developed to support and add value to the work of interior designers and space planners.

Library of 25000 elements
More than 25.000 modular elements and architectural structures to which you can add the interior design items of prestigious items.

Virtual Reality
An astonishing Virtual Reality allows your customers to walk inside the scene feeling and almost touching what has been created for him.

Easy, rapid and versatile
Very easy use and time reduction for planning: these are the strengths of ArredoCAD compared to the software for solid modeling.

Photorealistic renders
Photorealistic renders and 360° panoramic renders in which you can navigate with a PC, smartphone or tablet: The best way to show your design proposals

Design made in Italy
Constantly updated and extended through the products of prestigious partners, the libraries of ArredoCAD reflect the best trends of the design "Made in Italy".
And there's more
The 3D flexible solution tailored for you

The ideal software for professionals that intend to rapidly show their costumers a 3D photorealistic preview of design and architectural solutions thought for them

The solution that has been especially developed for companies that want to optimize sales flow supplying their own resellers with a cutting-edge and high-impact tool

The perfect teaching instrument to improve your interior design courses and to supply your students with a precious tool for training and for better access to work.
Realtime Render
It's the 3D navigation system in High resolution intergrated into ArredoCAD that allows you to move inside the project in real time. It gives you the possibility to insert panoramic backgrounds, astonishing animation effects and adjustable light sources, as well as to edit the materials of the scene.
Virtual Reality
Throught he Oculus Rift visor (to purchase separated) ArredoCAD allows you to walk inside the scenes in Virtual Reality mode. To upload the scene you don't need to render it: in few seconds you can show your customers an amazing preview of the project.
The 3D solution for all needs




Interior furnishings

Contract and customized

Furniture for bars, restaurants and hotels

Bathroom furniture and coverings

Home staging