Best Blackheads Removal Clinic Hyderabad | Dofollow Social Bookmarking Sites 2016
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Best Blackheads Removal Clinic Hyderabad India

Blackheads commonly appear on face and neck or in the areas where there are more hair follicles.

Treatment is done with combination of topical therapy and physical extraction procedures like

Benzyl Peroxide: Acts as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It causes additional dryness.

Retinoids: They increase the skin cell turnover rate. They cause severe dryness with photosensitivity

Salicylic acid: It is BHA which acts on upper layers of the skin. It is used as topical as well as chemical peel.

Other medical treatment: Azelaic acid, Resorcinol etc may be used.

Comedone extraction: When the white head becomes big then it can be extracted with help of comedone extractor.

Chemical peel: Salicylic acid peel, mandelic acid peel, glycolic acid peel can be used to remove the upper layers and to control sebum production.

LLLT: Done to prevent the bacteria to proliferate and cause the acne

Medifacials: Using advanced technology, hydrafacial and dermaclear, both help in extraction of whiteheads and blackheads

Microdermabrasion: Done to remove the superficial dead skin layer along with white heads and black heads.